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Club Gradings



Eishinjuku Dojo is able to award grades from 7th kyu (lowest) to 2nd kyu (highest).  1st Kyu and Dan grades are awarded at national gradings.


Taking gradings is an important part of kendo. A willingness to show what you have learned in front of seniors and put yourself under pressure is a healthy attitude. Kendo dan grades can be hard to obtain. Paying a fee, training for a particular length of time, being good at kendo competitions or overcoming your opponents in the grading is not enough to ensure success.  There are generally understood criteria for each grade but it is more helpful to think about showing that you have understood the basic principles of kendo. This requires study beyond attending classes. There is no requirement to pass through each grade before attempting to gain the next for club gradings. A grade is awarded on the basis of the overall standard shown.  The following are the  recommended minimum criteria for each grade at Eishinjuku Dojo. These are broadly in line with BKA advice and follow on from work done by Gary O'Donnell Sensei. These may be applied flexibly as the final grade is awarded on the basis of the overall standard shown.


All candidates are expected to know:


How to dress correctly and handle equipment correctly.

How to stand  (shizen-tai)

How to bow when standing (ritsu-rei)

Courtesy in kendo (rei-ho)

How to sit (sei-za)

How to compose yourself (mokuso)

How to bow when sitting (za-rei)

How to squat (sonkyo)

How to make the basic stance (chudan no kamae)

How to move in the four directions correctly in chudan

How to lower the sword correctly (kamae o toku)


For 7th Kyu Candidates must demonstrate Uchi komi geiko and Kirikaeshi with a shinai and 3 forms with a bokuto (attacking side only).


For 6th Kyu candidates must demonstrate uchi komi geiko including two step cutting techniques and kirikaeshi with a shinai as well as 3 forms with a bokuto (both sides).


For 5th Kyu Candidates must demonstrate uchi komi geiko (attacking side only) and kirikaeshi (both attacking and receiving) with a shinai as well as 3 forms with a bokuto (both sides).


For 4th Kyu candidates must demonstrate kirikaeshi (both sides) and jigeiko with a shinai as well as three forms with a bokuto, which must include the first form of the kendo no kata (both sides).


For 3rd Kyu candidates must demonstrate kirikaeshi (both sides) and jigeiko with a shinai as well as three forms with a bokuto, which must include the first two forms of the kendo no kata (both sides). Candidates should know the basic rules of kendo competitions and how to conduct themselves before, during and after their matches. (This won't be assessed during a standard kendo grading).


For 2nd Kyu candidates must demonstrate kirikaeshi (both sides) and jigeiko with a shinai  as well as the first three forms of the kendo no kata (both sides).




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